In the future, we are committed to becoming a "world-class service provider with our meat and seafood solutions".

When the twin-shaft meat mixer is in operation, the two mixing shafts rotate in opposite directions, driving their respective mixing blades to stir the minced meat. During the rotation of the mixing blades, on the one hand, the minced meat moves axially and radially within the mixing tank, achieving macroscopic mixing of the materials; on the other hand, the shearing action of the blades enables the material particles to rub and collide with each other, achieving the mixing effect. For some materials with high viscosity, the ribbon-type blades can transport the materials from one end of the mixing tank to the other while the mixing shaft is rotating, and at the same time, carry out stirring and mixing, making the minced meat more evenly mixed.
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+86 400-188-3313
+86 199 2706 5265
+86 758 278 8707
In the future, we are committed to becoming a "world-class service provider with our meat and seafood solutions".